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2019-2020 Athletic Training Program Awards

The end of the 2019-2020 academic year was unprecedented to say the least. We have a great program of students that showed tremendous growth this year in all areas of athletic training education and development. The department of Kinesiology was able to hold a virtual awards banquet to honor all of the award recipients, including the Athletic Training Award winners. The full Kinesiology Awards Banquet can be viewed here. Congratulations to all of our award winners!

The award winners for this year are as follows:

Frank Randall Distinguished Athletic Training Student Award: Mike Barrett

Mike Barrett

Award established in honor of former Head Athletic Trainer Frank Randall who served in this position for 29 years. This is award is presented to the Iowa State Athletic Training Student who exemplifies dedication, work ethic, accountability, and excellence in the field of athletic training. Recipients are selected by the athletic training staff.

Robert Watkins and Mary Swartz Athletic Training Student Achievement Award:

Sarah Branning & Rozlyn Elbert


After students have completed two semesters in the program, they can apply for the Robert Watkins and Mary Swartz Athletic Training Achievement Award. This award was established by Bill Watkins, a former athletic training student at Iowa State University in honor of his parents.

Sarah Branning
Rozlyn Elbert

Unsung Hero Award Sponsored by Bill Watkins: Abigail DeWitt

This award is given to one student, selected by the staff who demonstrates, on a daily basis, the qualities of becoming a leading AT, but is not necessarily in the spotlight of the program.

Abigail DeWitt

Tom Johnson Memorial Athletic Training Student Scholarship:

Levi Brouse & McKenzie Jackson

This scholarship was established by many Iowa State Athletic Training alums in memory of Tom Johnson. Tom attended Iowa State from 1985-1990, serving as an athletic training student for football, basketball, swimming, tennis and baseball. After graduation, Tom was a high school athletic trainer in Texas for a number of years before furthering his education in technology integration, where he continued his work in the secondary school setting.

Levi Brouse

McKenzie Jackson

Danielle Bredar

William Piehl & Alfred Klein Athletic Training Scholarship Sponsored by Scott Piehl: Danielle Bredar

This scholarship has been established to support students enrolled in the Department of Kinesiology. Intent is to honor the grandparents of Iowa State Athletic Training alum Scott Piehl; so that their names will live on well into the future. The training and education that Scott received contributed greatly to his career and he is grateful for the opportunity to give back to the college and program that afforded his success. This $1,000 scholarship is presented to an Iowa State Athletic Training Student(s) who exemplifies dedication to athletic training and a passion for helping people . Recipients will be selected through a committee selection process.

Barbara E. Forker Leadership Award: Samantha Wolfe

Samantha Wolfe

Purpose: To recognize students in the Department of Kinesiology who have contributed leadership and service to their profession. One award given to each of the career options


  1. Student must have a minimum of 70 credits and a cumulative GPA of 2.8.

  2. Student must show professional involvement and leadership skills through any or all of the following:

  • Involvement in departmental clubs through membership and leadership roles

  • Willingness to take on and complete given responsibilities

  • Ability to get people involved and/or to think (a catalyst as well as a worker)

  • Ability to think/plan ahead with regard to plans that affect the present as well as the future

  • Ability to generate and share ideas

  • Having organizational and time management skills

  • Possession of the interpersonal skills needed to do the above

College of Human Sciences Dean's Recognition Award: Hannah Van Roekel

Hannah Van Roekel

From CHS Awards: Hannah Van Roekel of Wellman, Iowa, has received the Dean’s Recognition Award. She is graduating summa cum laude with a degree in athletic training. Van Roekel has become an exceptional athletic trainer, working with several Iowa State athletic teams and assisting with athletes’ injury prevention and rehabilitation . For her Honors program capstone project, Van Roekel created a research-based exercise program targeting bone health for adults with intellectual disabilities. She led the Fellowship of Athletic Training Club as president, and served students in the ISU Academic Success Center as a tutor. Van Roekel leaves Iowa State with certifications in blood borne pathogen training and professional CPR rescue. She plans to attend the University of Iowa this summer to begin doctoral studies in physical therapy.

2017 Iowa State Football Athletic Training Staff

The 2020 Graduating Seniors were recognized and presented with an Iowa State monogrammed professional portfolio as a graduation gift as well as presented with their ISU Letterwinner's Senior Class Ring.

The senior class and their future plans are as follows:

  • Mike Barrett – Graduate Assistant Athletic Trainer at Fort Hays State University

  • Dillon Bennett – Graduate Assistant Athletic Trainer for Football at University of Northern Iowa – Master’s in Community Health & Recreation

  • Abigail DeWitt – Accepted full-time nanny position in Iowa City and will be doing prn AT Work until after the pandemic hiring freezes are lifted

  • Lily Goluska – Graduate Assistant Athletic Trainer for Women’s Basketball at Northern Arizona University – Master’s in Human Relations

  • Haley Harapat – PRN AT work.

  • Derrick Kerns – Assistant Athletic Trainer at Iowa Central Community College

  • Sandy Montoya – Medical School at University of Nebraska Medical Center

  • Bailey Robinson – Pursuing graduate school options

  • Lauren Runquist – Graduate Assistant Athletic Trainer for Softball at Eastern Kentucky University – Master’s in Exercise Science and Health Wellness.

  • Hannah Van Roekel – Physical Therapy School at University of Iowa

  • Sabrina Van’t Sant – Enter the workforce and continue graduate school next year.

  • Samantha Wolfe – PRN AT work and Medical School


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