Scholarship Student-Athletes
Medical Clearance
All incoming scholarship student-athletes must have completed a Pre-Participation Physical Examination, and completed all required medical paperwork prior to participating in officially sanctioned team practices, events, or conditioning sessions.
Incoming scholarship student-athletes will be scheduled a physical examination time upon their arrival. Please contact your teams' athletic training staff member to schedule these appointments. All new student-athletes are encouraged to contact the athletic training staff if they will be on campus during the summer prior to enrollment for college orientation. As per NCAA rules, a physical examination given during the orientation visit must occur outside of orientation activities and not interfere with any academic requirements.
Prior to your arrival on campus:
We look forward to your arrival on campus and assisting you in achieving athletic and academic excellence during your time at Iowa State. Prior to your arrival on campus in Ames, you will be invited, via email, to activate your Kitman Labs account.
Prior to your arrival in Ames and your scheduled physical exam with our team physician, you will need to complete the following list of documents within the Kitman Labs "Athlete App." To do so, click "Forms" at the bottom of your Kitmal Labs Athlete App home screen.
Pre-Participation Medical History Questionnaire
Authorization for Release of Medical Information
Verification of Medical Policies
Release & Indemnification Agreement
Acknowledgement & Receipt of Privacy Practices
Supplement/Ergogenic Aid Notification
Consent for Treatment of a Minor (if under age 18 at time of arrival)
Insurance Information and Verification Statement
Athlete Demographic & Roster Information
Once you arrive on campus:
Complete Pre-Participation Physical Exam with the Iowa State University Team Physician. This physical appointment will be scheduled at a local clinic by your team's athletic trainer.
Submit Insurance Card Images (Be sure to submit the front & back of all cards {health, dental, prescription}
Complete all baseline and sport specific medical testing to be arranged by your team's athletic trainer.
Complete Concussion Education Document with your team's athletic trainer.
Medical Insurance
Prior to being cleared for practice/competition all student-athletes must complete insurance information forms. The student-athlete's insurance will be used as the primary insurance for athletically related injuries and illnesses. The Iowa State University Athletics Department will provide a secondary policy that will pay the remaining balance that is not covered by the primary insurance with regard to athletically related injuries and illnesses. Student-Athletes that do not have primary health insurance are still required to complete these forms.
Notice of Privacy Practices
As a component of Iowa State University, it has been determined that the Iowa State University Sports Medicine department is a covered entity and falls under the federal rules and regulations mandated by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 2003. Compliance and rules regarding HIPAA qualified information at the university have been established in a university-wide policy. Further information regarding privacy practices of medical records at Iowa State University may be found in Notice of Privacy Practices for Iowa State University Health Care Providers and can be downloaded here: Notice of Privacy Practices